Quotes and sayings Quotes and sayings

7coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and money

7coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and money


You have to read by means of any philosophers and those who stolen you to take deep thinking and say in yourself yes it is true that it is addressed to and not on our blog we will get these motivational phrases to you attached to the fitness and the gallery of the good lines


1.       Knowing is not nough we must apply wishing is not nough we must do johann wolfgang von Goethe


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

2.    The journey of a thousand miles with one step lao tzu


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

3.    Your mind is powerful thing when you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

4.    Don’t trey to be perfect just try to be better than you were yesterday


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

5.    Remember its just a bad not a bad life


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

6.    Look in the mirror that’s your competition


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

7.    The way to get started is to quit talking legin doing walt diseng


coommon mesions are successful and the pioneers for business and mone

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If you like do not forget or read the words that are tempted  before these


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Quotes and sayings